Who Wins GOT?

Davos Seaworth!

undefinedA little off-topic, but I thought I would take a moment to share my prediction as to the winner of the bloodiest lottery in all Westros, the Game of Thrones. Stephen King has weighed in, and even football coach Nick Saban, so it is time for me to jump in as well and reveal that I believe the winner will be none other than….. drum roll, please…. Davos Seaworth.

Here’s my thinking. In the last episode, the writers had Bron deliver a speech on how all royal houses started with some a-hole commoner. They disguised the function of this speech as Bron responding to the notion he wasn’t worthy of High Garden. True purpose: to plant in the minds of the viewers the reality that the soon to be king does not have to be of royal blood– because royal blood is actually just regular blood with a pretentious accent. Kings, we are told, are just a-holes who killed enough people to take a crown.

So, who of the commoners has shown leadership ability, who despite his background as a smuggler comes across as calm, decent and even– noble? Davos. He doesn’t do much, but the writers keep reminding us he is always around, showing him standing here and watching, there and watching. He is always near the action, always in the room. There is always a moment in every episode where the writers say– remember Davos? Okay, now forget him again. He’s not important– but don’t forget he’s always around, watching and listening!

So, how I see it is BLOODBATH. All of the major contenders for the throne who come from direct bloodlines either die in the great final battle or decline the throne (Bran Stark because he is always tripping, Sansa Stark because “Starks don’t do well in the capital”). Davos, who has been watching and even assisting them in fighting and killing each other, strolls into the smoking wreckage, sits down and says, “Finally! All that standing and watching really tired me out.”

GOT of thrones plays against expectations. From Season One on we have seen the people who are supposed to get it, who deserve it, never do. So, I expect the writers to drive everyone insane by killing off all the people we love and having Davos rise to start a new royal house.

My second guess would be Dany, only because the writers are so clearly setting her up to fail and be destroyed, turned from a heroic character into a sad disaster who’s hair and make-up are always a mess. She has been reduced from this primal force of nature to an overwrought teen-age girl. However, I wouldn’t put it past the writers to make so obvious she is doomed to failure only so she can surprise us when she triumphs, her hair and make-up skills restored! But, probably Davos.